How to Surf YouTube without data bundle

You are welcome my dear viewer,
 in this article I will show you how to watch videos on YouTube without data.

To watch videos on YouTube without data is a very simple trick if you follow these steps;

Please make sure you follow these instructions carefully

1. Download the YouTube app if you don’t have.

2. Access YouTube account using the App.

Choose the video you would love to download.

3. Then, Next Option there is download bottom arrow icon for offline view. Tap the download icon.

4. Indicate whether you want the video quality to be normal or to be in HD Format. Press OK to start the download

5. Leave YouTube, turn off your data, then reopen YouTube go to library>downloads. your videos are ready to play without an internet connection. Amazing isn't it

But this cannot save your video to your gallery.

To save videos to your gallery I will recommend YouTube video downloader on any browser

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